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Yesterday June 25h 2020 at 10 am in the morning give or take 15 minutes. My friend Radames Ortiz passed away. He had cancer and well it was a rough last year of his life.

He died alone in a hospital room, reminds me of that song “El Grand Varon” in fact the last thing I said to him, was later Simon. He laughed I laughed and to be honest, it was his reality. Who knows how he actually felt.

The very next day, he yanked the tubes in his arms out and died not even an hour later from what the nurse told his proxy.

He has no family, and from what our friend his proxy Jorge was told. He can’t retrieve the body in order to give him a proper send-off. He may end up in NYC’s potter field.

It’s super sad but he had no one just us.

Rest in Peace Radames. You will be missed by a lot more people than you thought.

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