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Yo, mi people the situation in RD and NYC is bad. People dying left and right here in NYC and people in RD haciendo que no hay problem. It’s fucking crazy. I had a neighbor die and then a block away 10 people del mismo edificio died. Shit scary.

I really want to go back to DR it’s been almost 4 months, y necesito hacer mis negocios I’m losing too much money right now and the dollar is soaring over there, me dijeron que lo estan comprando a 60. So that’s 60 pesos for each dollar. It was less than 50 a year ago.

I have a bunch of stuff to get done out there, from my store,,, just to name a few. I need to get back out there pero a la misma ves tnego que estar seguro que the shit out there is good to go, don’t want to get sick there.

Anyway sigamen aqui on my blog or on instagram. No tengan miedo I don’t bite.

Oh and if you didn’t know, hice un coat of arms because I am officially Lord Michael Reyes ya que compre un pedazo de land in Scotland.


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